Wednesday, February 20, 2013

About Communication

What do you expect to learn from this pod-casting project? (List as much as possible.)

1. teamwork

I want to learn how to work in the group. This includes that how to communicate with teammates efficiently, how to share ideas and how to compromise for the final decisions. 

2. Japanese culture
First, by doing the pod-casting project, we will have the chance to use our Japanese knowledge in a more practical way. Through the project, we will learn more Japanese language and culture from both online sources and real life experience. From the interview and help from Japanese teacher and students, we want to learn more about Japanese culture not only from our book but also from people from Japan. Their experience would really help us to find the differences between US culture and Japanese culture and show them in our video, which would help people in US and Japan to understand each other. 

3. ability to express our ideas in an efficient way
Because we have limited time and technical ability to work, we want to express our ideas efficiently in the short video. For the script, we want to express our ideas in a direct way so that people would understand it when hearing. With the help from video, we hope to show the story vividly that is consistent and interesting so that people are willing to watch until the end. After watching it, people would think about the video and actually understand something. 

What does "communication" mean to you?
Communication is the most important thing in our life because the communicate efficiently would help us express our ideas to the audience and understand other people's ideas. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


私は テニスの王子様 が とても 好きです。私も テニスを しましたから、テニスの漫画が 好きです。この漫画は テニスの生活が あります。高校生は テニスのクラブに 一緒に テニスを します。月曜日から、金曜日まで 毎日 テニスの練習が あります。時々、高校のマッチが あります。私は 越前龍馬が いちばん 好きです。龍馬は 努力の人です。龍馬のセンテンスの中で「まだまだだね」が いちばん 好きです。

私も テニスを しました。七歳から 四年 テニスを 習いました。毎日テニスの練習が 二時間 ありました。それから、ちゅうがくに入りましたから、毎日の練習を しませんでした。でも、友達と 一緒に 土曜日に テニスを しました。2009に アメリカの高校に 入ってから、学校のテニスチームに テニスをしました。

(I was playing tennis matches in high school for the tennis tournament.  Sorry for the bad quality because I was playing and moving...)

私は テニスが とても 好きですから、テニスの王子様が 好きです。